Wednesday, December 30, 2015

learn how to animate

We are going to learn how to animate in this tutorial and how to make something like this :

First lets make a new document and change its size to 600 by widht and 300 by height.

We should have a blank white document with the size of 600 x 300 now,lets start drawing our charecter

First draw his body choose the body

Then right click on the body and choose convert to symbol

and choose `Graphic` and click OK

and then rename the layer the body is on to `Body` on the timeline.

Create a new layer by clicking on `Insert Layer` and rename it to `Eyes`

Draw the eyes on the new created layer and convert it to symbol and pick graphic again.

Create a new layer call it `Mouth` and put it between `Body` and `Eyes`

Draw the mouth on it and convert it to graphic

Create a new layer call it `Hair` put it over all the layers

Draw the hair on it and convert it to graphic

Create a new layer call it `Hand left` and put it over all other layers

Draw the hand on the new created layer and convert it to graphic

Create a new layer called `Hand Right` put it UNDER all other layers

and copy paste the hand on the new created layer

We have our charecter made now time to animate it. You could have basically made some another charecter using the same way.

We got our layers on the timeline and keyframes on the first frame of every layer. Make new keyframes on everylayers 5th frame

by choosing all layers 5th frame at the same time and right clicking and choosing instert keyframe

We want to make our charecter jump right?We gotta move our charecters position up and open his hands on the second frame

so basically first frame is :

and on the second frame it will be

see we moved it up transformed the body to a bit right opened up the hands and moved them up near the head

its time for us to give a motion tween

Choose all the frames in the timeline

and right click and then pick insert motion tween while the layers are chosen

now the layers should look like this :

Notice between keyframe 1 and keyframe 2 the image transports from 1 to 2 right?

We now have something like this:

Notice it just jumps and goes back to start without droppping on ground?Time to add other parts

We have 5 frames and 2 keyframes inside them now,time to create new keyframes. Choose 8th frame on every layer

and create new keyframe on all of them

and then right click and choose crete motion tween so they look like this

and now we are gonna change our charecters movements again!

in the previous frame it looked like :

move the parts down so it looks like

what we did? moved our charecter down transfered his face a bit up and pulled the hands down so it goes back to the ground

ok if we are done with the moving we should have an animation like this:

still not done, it looks like its hitting himself and he gets to ground but doesnt go back to to place where he started!

Ok now choose all the keyframes on the first frame

right click and pick `copy frames`

and then choose all the layers in 11th frame

and while they are choosen right click and choose `paste frames`

it should be done now and the timeline should look like this

and our charecter should move like thiss

Hope you enjoyed the tutorial



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